District News

July 2025 Skyward Qmlativ Launch

The Olympia School District has been gearing up for a major information system upgrade: transitioning from Skyward SMS 2.0 to Skyward Qmlativ in July 2025. This move promises enhanced functionality across key areas of student information, payroll, finance and human resources. It also improves the functionality of both Family and Student access.
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2025-26 Transfer Requests Now Accepted

New and renewal transfer requests are now being accepted for the 2025-26 school year.
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Countdown to Kindergarten 2025

We would like to welcome the students and families from the Class of 2038 to our annual Olympia School District 'Countdown to Kindergarten' event. This exciting and informative event is open to all parents/guardians who have children entering kindergarten for the 2025-26 school year, both in-district and out-of-district families. Parents/guardians and incoming kindergartners are encouraged to attend, and feel free to invite your friends and neighbors!
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Spotlight on Success: January 2025

In our most recent edition of Spotlight on Success, Olympia Reads!! presents an evening with author Varian Johnson, Roosevelt ES teacher Spencer Olmsted receives prestigious PAEMST Award, Black Lives Matter at School Week (Feb. 3-7), Thurgood Marshall MS students race to save the salmon, save the date for the 2025 Countdown to Kindergarten and more!
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Middle School Options Program Deadlines

The Olympia School District middle school options program deadlines are right around the corner. We hope you are able to check out a few of our wonderful middle school options programs! Dates, times and additional information linked below:
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OSD Parent/Guardian SecURLy Reminder

As we approach winter break, we want to remind you of SecURLy’s Parent Portal, which is available for all OSD families. This tool allows you to monitor and manage your child’s activity on their school-issued Chromebook, helping to ensure safe and productive use during the holidays.
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2024-25 OSD Snow Letter

Every year, snow or severe conditions seem to lead to the closure or late start of our schools, and we want to keep you updated about those decisions.
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Guaranteed Admissions Program available for qualifying students

Olympia School District has partnered with the Guaranteed Admissions Program (GAP) and two private universities which provide increased access to college admissions. Juniors will receive information about the GAP program. Qualifying seniors will receive guaranteed admission letters for up to eight Washington state colleges and universities.
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Enrollment Reports Data Dashboard

Below you will find a link to the Olympia School District 'Enrollment Reports Data Dashboard'. This includes data from the last five school years and provides student enrollment information including monthly school and grade level data:
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